Hello, Friend!

Thanks for being here! 

Over a decade ago, I was inspired to take control of my own health – I was suffering and something needed to change.

A few online mamas showed me what was possible with the power of plants and lifestyle, and I hope to do the same for you.

Life is a gift, and great health is a blessing! 

Let’s take charge and lead the life we were meant to live.

xo, Karen Jansen

Live Empowered

Ready to step away from the “pill for an ill” medical model? 

Love holistic health but not the out-of-pocket practitioner costs?

Overwhelmed by the number of supplements, diets, protocols, and bio-hacks out there? 

Tired of ordering your supplements and non-toxic products from many different places?

Wondering how your efforts to heal actually fit together, or whether they’re working at all?

The Power
of Nature

Somewhere along the way, we gave our power
to a medical system that can do more harm than good.

My health journey of 15+ years led me away from allopathic medicine and through the worlds of herbalism, functional medicine, energy healing, aromatherapy, and nutrition

This experience, along with thousands of hours (literally) of research and experimentation, led to a simple conclusion: 

the closer we get to nature, the healthier we are! 

What if we took our power back and relied on Mother Earth instead? 

Natural Health courses

We can never know enough when it comes to our health and well-being. The dividends are life changing, and the payoff is true generational wealth.


Join Me In Something Big

We are in a unique moment in time. 

People are searching for SAFE, EFFECTIVE, and AFFORDABLE solutions for their health and well-being. The responsible stewardship of our planet is of utmost concern. Inflationary pressures are squeezing our wallets. The need for authentic human connection has never been stronger.

Solutions exist to all of the above.

Let’s work together to help the world heal -- by INSPIRING others to take control of their health and try nature first. 

Let's Connect on Instagram @karenejansen